A hint with specified action.

Namespace:  C1.LiveLinq
Assembly:  C1.LiveLinq (in C1.LiveLinq.dll)


public static T Indexed<T>(
	this T value,
	IndexingHintAction action
Visual Basic
<ExtensionAttribute> _
Public Shared Function Indexed(Of T) ( _
	value As T, _
	action As IndexingHintAction _
) As T


Type: T
The value of the expression the hint is applied to. This value is not actually used by the hint, because the hint is never executed, its role is purely declarative.
Type: C1.LiveLinq..::..IndexingHintAction
The action specified by the hint.

Type Parameters

This can be any type, because hints are applicable to expressions of any type.

Return Value

Formally, the hint returns the same value that it receives in the parameter. In fact, it is never executed, its role is purely declarative.


A hint does not change the value of the expression it is applied to. It only tells LiveLinq query optimizer to create and use an index on that expression, if possible. In fact, hints are removed from the expression before it is executed.

See Also:How to create indexes.

See Also